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Aspirin side effects

Aspirin side effects

Aspirin is classified as a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). Aspirin is made of salicylate, a common symptom that may accompany the use of aspirin. It follows: [1] [2]


1.      Tummy ache.

2.     Skin rash.

3.     Heartburn.

4.     upset stomach.

5.     Gastrointestinal ulcers. drowsiness;

6.     headache;

7.      convulsions;

8.     nausea;

9.     Gastritis.

10.  Bleeding.



Aspirin Complications

Long-term, low-dose aspirin helps prevent heart attack and stroke in some people who have an increased risk of these health problems, but some people may suffer from an allergic reaction. Allergic reaction when using aspirin, and prolonged use of aspirin may lead to some serious health complications in some cases, including the following: [3]


Blood vessel rupture: Despite the benefits of daily use of aspirin in preventing stroke, it increases the risk of another type of stroke, which occurs as a result of a rupture of a blood vessel in the brain, and is called a hemorrhagic stroke. ).


Gastrointestinal bleeding: The risk of stomach ulcers increases with daily use of aspirin, and care must be taken to avoid the use of aspirin in the event of suffering from bleeding ulcers, or one of the other types of bleeding in the digestive system, because it may have a dangerous effect in increasing the severity of bleeding. Which may be life threatening for the affected person in some cases.



Doctor review

Care must be taken to contact the medical emergency in the event that one of the symptoms of an allergic reaction appears on a person after using aspirin, which includes shortness of breath, hives, swelling of the face, throat, tongue, and lips, and it is also worth stopping the use of aspirin Refer to your doctor if you suffer from any of the following side effects:[1]


1.      Pain or swelling that lasts more than 10 days.

2.     Nausea, vomiting, severe stomach pain.

3.     Fever that lasts longer than 3 days.

4.     Blood in stool, vomit, or cough.

5.     Tinnitus.

6.     Nervousness, confusion, or hallucinations.





1.     "Aspirin",, Retrieved 6-4-2019. Edited.

2.     "ASPIRIN",, Retrieved 6-4-2019. Edited.

3.     "Daily aspirin therapy: Understand the benefits and risks",,9-1-2019، Retrieved 6-4-2019. Edited.


