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Aspirin: Extract - Dosages - Uses - Side effects


Aspirin: Extract - Dosages - Uses - Side effects


Aspirin is one of the most famous and most popular drugs in the world; It is attributed to the group of medicines known as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and shares with them the function as it is used as a fever reducer, pain reliever and anti-inflammatory, since ancient times, and it is still a distinct treatment over its alternatives from other medicines, and aspirin is distinguished over the medicines of this group as It is used to reduce clots that result in heart attacks, and aspirin has been one of the most produced and sold drugs in the world for nearly a century, when German pharmacists at the Bayer Chemical Factory gave this name to salicylic acetate. [1]



Aspirin extract

In the year (400) BC, a scientist of Greek origin, Hippocrates, discovered one of the secrets of nature, through which he provided medicine to man. Where he discovered that chewing the leaves of willow trees, which contain the active compound salicylic acid, which relieves pain; Where he first tried it on himself when he felt better after chewing and his pain was gone, and he recorded this discovery in his medical books, and since then scientists have conducted a lot of chemical experiments in order to modify the chemical formula of the compound such as adding sodium to acid in order to mitigate its effects Side effects on the stomach wall, as its use is accompanied by stomach pain and may cause bleeding in the stomach wall and stomach ulcers.


In the year 1897 AD, the German scientist, Felix Hoffmann, produced a pill extracted from the leaves of willow trees, which he modified to become the world-renowned medicine of aspirin, salicylic acetate, to be a treatment for pain and fever together. Aspirin produces about 50 thousand tons per year, and is used to prevent blood clotting problems, in addition to colon cancer.[2]



Aspirin Dosages

Aspirin is characterized as anti-inflammatory, headache reliever, pain reliever, anti-fever in infectious diseases and prevents blood clotting, which results in increased fluidity, and thus protects the heart from attacks and sudden death, especially arterial blockage and angina pectoris, in addition to lupus erythematosus, Which leads to redness of the skin, and aspirin is taken through a prescription, and the recommended doses of aspirin vary depending on the cause.


In the case of relieving pain, reducing fever and treating inflammation, the doses are high: two 325 mg tablets three to four times a day when necessary. In the event that it is used as a long-term preventive treatment to prevent blood clots, heart attacks and strokes, the doses are low and daily, all with the advice of a specialist doctor; Because it has a side effect such as gastritis, and therefore it must be under medical and expert supervision; Because it may lead to bleeding or bleeding in the brain if taken in the wrong way, and among the patients who must be taken into account when giving aspirin to them: kidney patients, asthma patients, liver patients, or those who are allergic to willow and aspirin, so as not to be exposed to danger, In addition to taking into account the effect of aspirin on the body as a whole, and its organs and functions; As high doses of aspirin may lead to ringing in the ears or hearing loss.[3]


Some studies have published that patients with angina pectoris and acute heart attacks, who suffer from lack of blood access to the heart or who are prone to clots, have been rescued by aspirin more extensively than was expected; In patients with heart attacks, treatment is done by chewing two aspirin tablets; Because chewing it helps absorb it more quickly than swallowing.[4]



Medicinal uses

Aspirin is used in the following: [5]


1.      Antipyretic and has no effect on the normal body temperature.

2.     Pain reliever.

3.     Anti-inflammatory, so it is used in diseases of an inflammatory nature such as gout, rheumatism and osteoarthritis to treat rheumatic fever.

4.     Anticoagulant because it prevents blood clots from clotting, so it is used in low doses as a preventive measure to reduce the risk of stroke and to reduce the risk of acute heart attacks, especially in people most vulnerable to infection.



Aspirin use for children

It is not recommended to use aspirin to treat fever and relieve pain in children under 16 years of age due to the possibility of causing what is known as Reese's syndrome, a rare disease that targets the brain and liver, and it is replaced with safer medicines such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen.

The use of aspirin remains limited by the doctor in certain cases, such as rheumatic fever.[6]



Aspirin use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Aspirin is considered unsafe during pregnancy. However, it has proven its effectiveness in many studies in controlling preeclampcia, which is a condition of high blood pressure associated with pregnancy with the excretion of proteins in the urine. It is also excreted in breast milk, so it should not be taken during breastfeeding. [7]



Side effects

Its side effects include: [5]


Digestive system: Side effects that affect the digestive system include stomach pain and nausea are common symptoms, and microscopic bleeding in the stomach is not excluded, so it should be taken with food and large amounts of fluids.


Blood: Preventing blood clots and prolonging bleeding time. Therefore, it must be stopped for at least one week before any surgical procedure.


Breathing: In poisoned doses, i.e. very high, it causes relapse in the respiratory system.



Drug interactions

Because aspirin is included in the composition of many medicines sold without a prescription or what is known as medicines on the shelf, so you must pay attention when taking it so as not to exceed the dose recommended for you by the doctor if you are taking it on a daily basis, and aspirin also affects and is affected by many medicines in terms of increasing Or a decrease in absorption, which leads to a difference in its concentration in the blood after eating it. Some medications also affect the amount of it excreted outside the body. Because it is a drug that is highly bound to blood proteins, so it may lead to the displacement of other drugs from binding to blood proteins, so the doctor must be informed of any type of medication you are taking with aspirin. [5]






1.       "The story of Aspirin – a versatile medicine with a long history",, Retrieved 10-3-2021. Edited.

2.     Mary Bellis (30-9-2017), "The History of Aspirin"،, Retrieved 16-6-2018. Edited.

3.     "aspirin dosage",, Retrieved 16-6-2018. Edited.

4.     "Aspirin for heart attack: Chew or swallow?",, Retrieved 2-3-2021. Edited.

5.     "Aspirin Tablet",, Retrieved 16-6-2018. Edited.

6.     "Aspirin Use in Children for Fever or Viral Syndromes",, Retrieved 16-6-2018. Edited.

7.      "Aspirin Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Warnings",, Retrieved 16-6-2018. Edited.


