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Acetic acid: Molecular Geometry - Molecular Weight - Molecular Formula - CAS Number - Bond Pairs - Lone Pairs - Lewis structure - infographic

Properties of Acetic acid

Name of Molecule

Acetic acid

Molecular Geometry

1-tetrahedral, 2-trigonal planar, 3-bent 


c1- sp3 , c2- sp2

Molecular Formula


Molecular Weight

60.052 g/mol

Bond Pairs


Lone Pairs


Lewis structure

in Infographic





Acetic acid: Molecular Geometry - Hybridization - Molecular Weight - Molecular Formula - CAS Number - Bond Pairs - Lone Pairs - Lewis structure – infographic


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Molecular Geometry: Molecules have a balanced geometric shape, the bonds have a certain length and angle as well, and the laws of quantum mechanics determine this. The chemical equation and the structural equation of a molecule are the two most important factors in determining its properties, especially its activity. The structure of the molecule also plays an important role in determining polarity, state of matter, colour, magnetism, taste, and many other properties.


Hybridization:  Hybridization in chemistry is the process of mixing, merging, or combining two or more different orbitals of electrons in the same atom. And they are close in energy to produce new hybrid orbitals of equal length and energy. Hybridization occurs in the same single atom and produces orbitals that are equivalent in shape, length and energy. The atom must be excited. The orbitals must be close in energy, such as 2s with 2p or 4s with 3d. The number of hybrid orbitals is equal to the number of pure orbitals involved in the hybridization. The hybrid orbitals are more prominent outward so that their ability to overlap is stronger than that of normal orbitals.


Molecular Formula:  A chemical formula is a brief way of expressing the number and type of atoms that make up a particular chemical compound. It expresses each element with its chemical symbol, and writes directly next to it the number of atoms in the molecule of this compound. If there is more than one atom of the same element in the molecule, the number of atoms is written to the bottom right of the element. For non-molecular substances, the bottom number represents the descriptive formula. The chemical formula that is used for a series of compounds that differ from each other by fixed units is called the "general formula". This series is called a homogeneous series, and its number is called the homogeneity symbol.


Molecular Weight:  in chemistry of a substance (sometimes called the molecular weight of a substance) is the mass of a molecule of that substance, relative to a unit of atomic mass (u which equals 1/12 of the mass of an n-carbon-12 atom) (simply: molecular mass is the sum of the weights atoms in a molecule). Molecular mass can be calculated as the sum of the atomic weights of the atoms in any molecule. Molecular mass can also be measured directly with a mass spectrometer. In mass spectrometry, the molecular mass of small molecules (less than about 200 atoms of a given element) is minute, ie the sum of the most abundant isotopes of that element. For larger molecules, it is average, or it is calculated using the molecular mass of the element or using the periodic table, where there are statistics for the distribution of atoms represented by isotopes of the molecule.


Bond Pairs: A bond pair is a pair of electrons present in a chemical bond. As we know, one bond is always made of two electrons paired together. Together, these two electrons are called a bond pair. Bond pairs can be seen in covalent compounds and coordination compounds.


Lone Pairs: A non-bonding or lone pair is a pair of electrons in an atom without bonding or sharing with another atom. It often has a negative polarity due to its high charge density. This pair is used to make coordination bonds. For example, in the manufacture of hydronium, H3O +, ions are present when acids are dissolved in water and the oxygen atom gives a lone pair to the hydrogen ion.


Lewis structure: A Lewis structure or Lewis representation (also known as electron raster diagram, Lewis raster formula, Lewis point structure, or point electron structure) is a two-dimensional diagram used in chemistry to show the bonding between atoms of a molecule and the lone electron pairs that may be present in this molecule. It is primarily used to show the relative positions of the different atoms with respect to each other and the formations of the valence bonds that bring together the different atoms of the compound as well as the position of electrons with respect to the atoms of the molecule. The Lewis structure can be plotted for any molecule that contains a covalent bond in addition to the complexes. 

